Cohen JB, Houghton LM, Fraser JD. 2009. Nesting density and reproductive success of piping plovers in response to storm- and human-created habitat changes. Wildlife Monographs 173:1-24.
REFEREED JOURNAL ARTICLES (Cohen lab student authors are noted with an asterisk)
Cheeseman AE*, Cohen JB, Ryan S, Whipps CM. 2020. Is conservation based on best available science creating an ecological trap for an imperiled lagomorph? Ecology and Evolution. In press.
Klingbeil BT, Cohen JB, Correll MD, Field CR, Hodgman TP, Kovach AI, Lentz EE, Olsen BJ, Shriver WG, Wiest WA, Elphick CS. 2020. High uncertainty over the future of tidal marsh birds under current sea-level rise projections. Biodiversity and Conservation. In press.
Stantial ML*, Cohen JB, Darrah AJ, Farrell S, Maslo B. 2020. Red fox use of landscapes with nesting shorebirds. Journal of Wildlife Management. In press.
Falkowski TB, Vázquez‐Pérez JR, Chankin A, Campos‐Beltrán AY, Rangel‐Salazar JL, Cohen JB, Diemont SAW. 2020. Assessing avian diversity and community composition along a successional gradient in traditional Lacandon Maya agroforests. Biotropica. In press.
Marshall H, Blomberg EJ, Watson V, Conway M, Cohen JB, Correll MD, Elphick CS, Hodgman TP, Kocek AR,* Kovach AI, Shriver WG, Wiest WA, Olsen BJ. 2020. Habitat openness and edge avoidance predict Saltmarsh Sparrow abundance better than habitat area. Condor. In press.
Naerhulan H, Kupán K, Valdebenito JO, Kubelka V, Carmona-Isunza MC, Burgas D, Catlin D, St Clair JJH, Cohen J, Figuerola J, Yasué M, Johnson M, Mencarelli M, Cruz-López M, Stantial M*, Weston M, Lloyd P, Que P, Montalvo T, Bansal U, McDonald GC, Liu Y, Kosztolányi A, Székely T. 2020. Successful breeding predicts divorce in plovers. Scientific Reports 10:15576 (
Darrah AJ, Cohen JB, Castelli PM. 2020. A decision support tool to guide the use of nest exclosures for piping plover conservation. Wildlife Society Bulletin. In press.
Whipps CM, Cheeseman AE*, Lindsay KA, Cohen JB. 2020. CM Whipps, AE Cheeseman, KA Lindsay, JB Cohen. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44:182-190.
Petracca LS, Funston PJ, Henschel P, Cohen JB, Maclennan S, Frair JL. 2019. Modeling community occupancy from line transect data: a case study with large mammals in post-war Angola. Animal Conservation 23: 420-433.
Field CR, Ruskin KJ, Cohen JB, Hodgman TP, Kovach AI, Olsen BJ, Shriver WG, Elphick CS. 2019. Framework for quantifying population responses to hurricanes reveals high resilience for coastal birds. Ecology Letters 22:2039-2048.
Davis KL, Karpanty SM, Spendelow JA, Cohen JB, Althouse MA*, Parsons KC, Luttazi CF, Catlin DH, Gibson D. 2019. Residency, recruitment, and stopover duration of hatch-year Roseate Terns (Sterna dougallii) during the pre-migratory staging period. Avian Conservation and Ecology 14:11 (
Stantial ML*, Cohen JB, Loring PH, Paton PWC. 2019. Radio transmitters did not affect apparent survival rates of adult piping plovers. Waterbirds 42:205-209.
Cheeseman AE*, Cohen JB, Whipps CM, Kovach AI, Ryan SJ. 2019. Hierarchical population structure of a rare lagomorph indicates recent fragmentation has disrupted metapopulation function. Conservation Genetics 6:1237-1249.
Grant DM*, Cohen JB, Stantial ML*, Linhart R. 2019. Substrate-level nest site selection of sympatric Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) and American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus) in New Jersey, USA. Waterbirds 42:272-281.
Cheeseman AE*, Cohen JB, Ryan SJ, Whipps CM. 2019. Determinants of home range size of imperiled New England and introduced eastern cottontails. Canadian Journal of Zoology 97: 516-523.
Davis KL, Karpanty SM, Spendelow JA, Cohen JB, Althouse MA*, Parsons KC, Luttazi CF. 2019. Begging behavior as an honest signal of need and parent–offspring association during the postfledging dependency period. Ecology and Evolution ece3.5279.
Goldspiel HB, Cohen JB, McGee GG, Gibbs JP. 2019. Forest land-use history affects outcomes of habitat augmentation for amphibian conservation. Global Ecology and Conservation e00686.
Gibson D, Hornsby A, Brown MB, Cohen JB, Dinan LR, Fraser JD, Friedrich MJ, Gratto-Trevor CL, Hunt KL, Jeffery M, Jorgensen JG, Paton PWC, Rock J, Stantial M*, Weithman C, Catlin DH. 2019. Migratory shorebird adheres to Bergmann's Rule by responding to environmental conditions through the annual lifecycle. Ecography 42:1482-1493.
Whipps CM, Gavard EJ, Cohen J, Ryan SJ. 2019. Gastrointestinal parasites of the New England cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus transitionalis) and eastern cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus) in the Hudson Valley, New York. Parasitology Research 118:2257-2262.
Peach MA*, Cohen JB, Frair JL, Zuckerberg B, Sullivan P, Porter WF, Lang C. 2018. Value of protected areas to avian persistence across 20 years of climate and land‐use change. Conservation Biology 33:423-433. Winner of the “Rising Star” award, best student paper.
Cheeseman AE*, Cohen JB, Whipps CM, Ryan SJ. 2018. Competition alters seasonal resource selection and promotes use of invasive shrubs by an imperiled native cottontail. Ecology and Evolution. In press.
Fuda RJ, Ryan SJ, Cohen JB, Hartter J, Frair JL. 2018. Assessing the impacts of oil exploration and restoration on mammals in Murchison Falls Conservation Area, Uganda. African Journal of Ecology 56:804-817.
Durkin MM*, Cohen JB. 2018. Estimating avian road mortality when only a single observer is available. Journal of Wildlife Management. 83:100-108.
Althouse MA*, Cohen JB, Karpanty SM, Spendelow JA, Davis KL, Parsons KC, Luttazi CF. 2018. Evaluating response distances to develop buffer zones for staging terns. Journal of Wildlife Management. In Press.
Klingbeil BT, Cohen JB, Correll MD, Field CR, Hodgman TP, Kovach AI, Olsen BJ, Shriver WG, Wiest WA, Elphick CS. 2018. Evaluating a focal species approach for tidal marsh bird conservation in the northeastern United States. Condor 120: 874-884.
Stantial ML*, Cohen JB. 2018. The influence of habitat, tidal stage, temperature and breeding status on the flight behavior of breeding piping plovers (Charadrius melodus). Journal of Ornithology 159: 732-732.
Stantial ML*, Cohen JB, Darrah AJ, Iaquinto KE, Loring PA, Paton PWC. 2018. Radio transmitters did not affect daily nest and chick survival of Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus). Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 130:518-524.
Field CR, Ruskin KJ, Benvenuti B, Borowske A, Cohen JB, Garey L, Hodgman TP, Kern RA, King E, Kocek AR*, Kovach AI, O’Brien KM, Olsen BJ, Pau N, Roberts S, Shelly E, Shriver G, Walsh J, Elphick CS. 2018. Quantifying the importance of geographic replication and representativeness when estimating demographic rates. Ecography 41:971-981.
Darrah AJ, Cohen JB, Castelli PA. 2017. Bayesian multinomial logistic exposure model for estimating probabilities of competing sources of nest failure. Ibis 160: 23-35.
Cohen JB, Maddock S, Bimbi M, Golder W, LeDee O, Cuthbert FJ, Catlin D, Fraser J, Gratto-Trevor C. 2017. State uncertainty models and mark-resight models for understanding nonbreeding site use by the piping plover (Charadrius melodus). Ibis 160:342-354.
Peach MA*, Cohen JB, Frair JL. 2017. A single visit, dynamic occupancy model: an approach to account for imperfect detection with Atlas data. Journal of Applied Ecology 54: 2033-2042.
Leuenberger W, McNeil DJ, Cohen J, Larkin JL. 2017. Characteristics of Golden‐winged Warbler territories in plant communities associated with regenerating forest and abandoned agricultural fields. Journal of Field Ornithology 88: 169-183.
Gibson D, Catlin DH, Hunt KL, Fraser JD, Karpanty SM, Friedrich MJ, Bimbi MK, Cohen JB, Maddock SB. 2017. Evaluating the impact of man-made disasters on imperiled species: Piping plovers and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Biological Conservation 2012:48-61.
Petracca LS, Frair JL, Cohen JB, Calderon AP, Carazo-Salazar J, Salazar FC, Corrales-Gutierrez D, Foster RJ, Harmsen B, Hernandez-Potosme S, Herrera L, Olmos M, Pereira S, Robinson HS, Robinson N, Salom-Perez, Urbina Y, Zellar KA. 2017. Robust inference on large-scale species habitat use using interview data: The status of jaguars outside protected areas in Central America. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:723-734.
Althouse MA*, Cohen JB, Spendelow JA, Karpanty SM, Davis KL, Parsons KC, Luttazi CF. 2017. Quantifying researcher effects on staging terns during intensive monitoring. Waterbirds 39:417-421.
Cohen J, Hecht A, Robinson KF, Osnas EE, Tyre AJ, Davis C, Kocek A*, Maslo B, Melvin S. 2016. To exclose nests or not: structured decision making for recovery implementation of a species protected by the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Ecosphere 7:e01499
Ruskin KJ, Etterson MA, Hodgman TP, Borowske A, Cohen JB, Elphick CS, Field CR, Kern RA, King E, Kocek AR*, Kovach AI, O’Brien KM, Pau N, Shriver WG, Walsh J, Olsen BJ. 2017. Seasonal fecundity is not related to range position across a species’ global range despite central peak in abundance. Oecologia 183: 291-301.
Johnson BD, Gibbs JP, Shoemaker KT, Cohen JB. 2017. Demography of a small and isolated population of eastern Massasauga rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus) threatened by vegetative succession. Journal of Herpetology 50:534-540.
Fuda, R. K., S. J. Ryan, J. B. Cohen, J. Hartter, and J. L. Frair. 2016. Assessing impacts to primary productivity at the human-park interface in Murchison Falls Conservation Area, Uganda. Ecosphere 7: e01486.
Ryan SJ, Gavard EJ, Cheeseman AM*, Cohen JB, Whipps CM. 2016. Reference and baseline hematocrit measures for the threatened New England cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis) and comparison with sympatric Eastern cottontail (Sylvliagus floridanus) rabbits. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47:659-662
Buckley Luepold SH, Hodgman TP, McNulty SA, Cohen J, Foss CR. 2015. Habitat selection, nest survival, and nest predators of Rusty Blackbirds in northern New England, USA. Condor 117:609-623.
Stantial ML*, Cohen JB. 2015. Estimating Flight height and flight speed of breeding piping plovers. Journal of Field Ornithology 86:369-377.
Cohen JB, Durkin MM*, Zrdavkovic M. 2014. Human disturbance of snowy plovers (Charadrius nivosus) in northwest Florida during the breeding season. Florida Field Naturalist 42: 1-14.
Fraser JB, Karpanty SM, Cohen JB, Truitt BR. 2013. The red knot (Calidris canutus rufa) decline in the western hemisphere: is there a lemming connection? Canadian Journal of Zoology 91:13-16.
Cohen JB, Gerber BD, Karpanty SM, Fraser JD, Truitt BR. 2011. Day and night foraging of red knots (Calidris canutus) during spring stopover in Virginia, USA. Waterbirds 34:352-356.
Cohen JB, Gratto-Trevor C. 2011. Survival, site fidelity, and the population dynamics of piping plovers in Saskatchewan. Journal of Field Ornithology 82:379-394.
Karpanty SM, Cohen JB, Fraser JD, Berkson J. 2011. Sufficiency of horseshoe crab eggs for red knots during spring migration stopover in Delaware Bay USA. Journal of Wildlife Management 75: 984-994.
Catlin DH, Fraser JD, Felio JH, Cohen JB. 2011. Piping plover nest success on natural, managed, and engineered sandbars. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:305-310.
Cohen JB, Karpanty SM, Fraser JD. 2010. Habitat selection and behavior of Red Knots (Calidris canutus) on the New Jersey Atlantic Coast during spring stopover. Condor 112:655-662.
Cohen JB, Fraser JD. 2010. Piping Plover foraging distribution and prey abundance in the pre-laying period. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122:578-582.
Roche EA, Cohen JB, Catlin DH, Amirault-Langlais DL, Cuthbert FJ, Gratto-Trevor CL, Felio JH, Fraser JD. 2010. Range-wide piping plover survival: correlated patterns and temporal declines. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:1784-1791.
Fraser JD, Karpanty SM, Cohen JB. 2010. Shorebirds forage disproportionately in horseshoe crab nest depressions. Waterbirds 33: 96-100.
Cohen JB, Karpanty SM, Fraser JD, Truitt BR. 2010. The effect of benthic prey abundance and size on red knot (Calidris canutus) distribution at an alternative migratory stopover site on the US Atlantic Coast. Journal of Ornithology 151:355-364.
Morrison JL, McMillian M, Cohen JB, Catlin DH. 2009. Environmental correlates of nesting success in Crested Caracaras. Auk 126: 755-764.
Cohen JB, Karpanty SM, Fraser JD, Watts BD, Truitt BR. 2009. Residence probability and population size of red knots during spring stopover in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:939-945.
Cohen JB, Karpanty SM, Catlin DH, Fraser JD, Fischer RA. 2008. Winter ecology of piping plovers at Oregon Inlet, North Carolina. Waterbirds 31:472-479.
Cohen, JB., Wunker EC, Fraser JD. 2008. Substrate and vegetation selection by nesting Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) in New York. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120:404-407.
Morrison JL, McMillian M, Cohen JB, Catlin DH. 2007. Environmental correlates of nesting success in Red-shouldered Hawks. Condor 109:648-657.
Cohen JB, Fraser JD, Catlin DH. 2006. Survival and site fidelity of Piping Plovers on Long Island, New York. Journal of Field Ornithology 77: 409-417.
Golden NH, Rattner BA, Cohen JB, Hoffman DJ, Russek-Cohen E, Ottinger, MA. 2003, Lead accumulation in feathers of nestling black-crowned night herons (Nycticorax nycticorax) experimentally treated in the field. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22: 1517-1524
Cohen JB, Rattner, BA, Golden, NH. 2003. Use of retrospective data to assess ecotoxicological monitoring needs for terrestrial vertebrates residing in Atlantic Coast estuaries. Ecotoxicology 12:365-375.
Cohen JB, Barclay JS, Major AR, Fisher JP. 2000. Greater scaup as biomonitors of metal contamination in federal wildlife refuges in the Long Island region. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 38:83-92.
Rattner BA, Pearson JL, Golden NH, Cohen JB, Erwin RM, Ottinger MA. 2000. Contaminant exposure and effects--terrestrial vertebrates database: trends and data gaps for Atlantic Coast estuaries. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 63:131-142.
Sheffield SR, Sawicka-Kapusta K, Cohen JB, Rattner BA. 2001. Rodentia and Lagomorpha. Pp. 215-314 In Shore RF and Rattner BA (eds.), Ecotoxicology of Wild Mammals. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
Rattner BA, Cohen JB, Golden NH. 2000. Contaminant effect endpoints in terrestrial vertebrates at and above the level of the “individual.” In: Environmental Contaminants and Terrestrial Vertebrates: Effects on Populations, Communities and Ecosystems. Albers PH, ed. SETAC Special Publication, SETAC Press, Pensacola, Florida. 61 pp
Newsletters/Popular Articles
Cohen JB, Karpanty SM, Fraser JD, Truitt BR. 2007. Initial deployment tests of tiny PTTs on the red knot (Calidris canutus rufa). Tracker News 8:2.
Cohen JB. 1996. Tricky trackers (a children's guide to making a squirrel-tracking kit). Ranger Rick. Nov 1996.
Cohen JB, Houghton LM, Fraser JD. 2009. Nesting density and reproductive success of piping plovers in response to storm- and human-created habitat changes. Wildlife Monographs 173:1-24.
REFEREED JOURNAL ARTICLES (Cohen lab student authors are noted with an asterisk)
Cheeseman AE*, Cohen JB, Ryan S, Whipps CM. 2020. Is conservation based on best available science creating an ecological trap for an imperiled lagomorph? Ecology and Evolution. In press.
Klingbeil BT, Cohen JB, Correll MD, Field CR, Hodgman TP, Kovach AI, Lentz EE, Olsen BJ, Shriver WG, Wiest WA, Elphick CS. 2020. High uncertainty over the future of tidal marsh birds under current sea-level rise projections. Biodiversity and Conservation. In press.
Stantial ML*, Cohen JB, Darrah AJ, Farrell S, Maslo B. 2020. Red fox use of landscapes with nesting shorebirds. Journal of Wildlife Management. In press.
Falkowski TB, Vázquez‐Pérez JR, Chankin A, Campos‐Beltrán AY, Rangel‐Salazar JL, Cohen JB, Diemont SAW. 2020. Assessing avian diversity and community composition along a successional gradient in traditional Lacandon Maya agroforests. Biotropica. In press.
Marshall H, Blomberg EJ, Watson V, Conway M, Cohen JB, Correll MD, Elphick CS, Hodgman TP, Kocek AR,* Kovach AI, Shriver WG, Wiest WA, Olsen BJ. 2020. Habitat openness and edge avoidance predict Saltmarsh Sparrow abundance better than habitat area. Condor. In press.
Naerhulan H, Kupán K, Valdebenito JO, Kubelka V, Carmona-Isunza MC, Burgas D, Catlin D, St Clair JJH, Cohen J, Figuerola J, Yasué M, Johnson M, Mencarelli M, Cruz-López M, Stantial M*, Weston M, Lloyd P, Que P, Montalvo T, Bansal U, McDonald GC, Liu Y, Kosztolányi A, Székely T. 2020. Successful breeding predicts divorce in plovers. Scientific Reports 10:15576 (
Darrah AJ, Cohen JB, Castelli PM. 2020. A decision support tool to guide the use of nest exclosures for piping plover conservation. Wildlife Society Bulletin. In press.
Whipps CM, Cheeseman AE*, Lindsay KA, Cohen JB. 2020. CM Whipps, AE Cheeseman, KA Lindsay, JB Cohen. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44:182-190.
Petracca LS, Funston PJ, Henschel P, Cohen JB, Maclennan S, Frair JL. 2019. Modeling community occupancy from line transect data: a case study with large mammals in post-war Angola. Animal Conservation 23: 420-433.
Field CR, Ruskin KJ, Cohen JB, Hodgman TP, Kovach AI, Olsen BJ, Shriver WG, Elphick CS. 2019. Framework for quantifying population responses to hurricanes reveals high resilience for coastal birds. Ecology Letters 22:2039-2048.
Davis KL, Karpanty SM, Spendelow JA, Cohen JB, Althouse MA*, Parsons KC, Luttazi CF, Catlin DH, Gibson D. 2019. Residency, recruitment, and stopover duration of hatch-year Roseate Terns (Sterna dougallii) during the pre-migratory staging period. Avian Conservation and Ecology 14:11 (
Stantial ML*, Cohen JB, Loring PH, Paton PWC. 2019. Radio transmitters did not affect apparent survival rates of adult piping plovers. Waterbirds 42:205-209.
Cheeseman AE*, Cohen JB, Whipps CM, Kovach AI, Ryan SJ. 2019. Hierarchical population structure of a rare lagomorph indicates recent fragmentation has disrupted metapopulation function. Conservation Genetics 6:1237-1249.
Grant DM*, Cohen JB, Stantial ML*, Linhart R. 2019. Substrate-level nest site selection of sympatric Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) and American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus) in New Jersey, USA. Waterbirds 42:272-281.
Cheeseman AE*, Cohen JB, Ryan SJ, Whipps CM. 2019. Determinants of home range size of imperiled New England and introduced eastern cottontails. Canadian Journal of Zoology 97: 516-523.
Davis KL, Karpanty SM, Spendelow JA, Cohen JB, Althouse MA*, Parsons KC, Luttazi CF. 2019. Begging behavior as an honest signal of need and parent–offspring association during the postfledging dependency period. Ecology and Evolution ece3.5279.
Goldspiel HB, Cohen JB, McGee GG, Gibbs JP. 2019. Forest land-use history affects outcomes of habitat augmentation for amphibian conservation. Global Ecology and Conservation e00686.
Gibson D, Hornsby A, Brown MB, Cohen JB, Dinan LR, Fraser JD, Friedrich MJ, Gratto-Trevor CL, Hunt KL, Jeffery M, Jorgensen JG, Paton PWC, Rock J, Stantial M*, Weithman C, Catlin DH. 2019. Migratory shorebird adheres to Bergmann's Rule by responding to environmental conditions through the annual lifecycle. Ecography 42:1482-1493.
Whipps CM, Gavard EJ, Cohen J, Ryan SJ. 2019. Gastrointestinal parasites of the New England cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus transitionalis) and eastern cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus) in the Hudson Valley, New York. Parasitology Research 118:2257-2262.
Peach MA*, Cohen JB, Frair JL, Zuckerberg B, Sullivan P, Porter WF, Lang C. 2018. Value of protected areas to avian persistence across 20 years of climate and land‐use change. Conservation Biology 33:423-433. Winner of the “Rising Star” award, best student paper.
Cheeseman AE*, Cohen JB, Whipps CM, Ryan SJ. 2018. Competition alters seasonal resource selection and promotes use of invasive shrubs by an imperiled native cottontail. Ecology and Evolution. In press.
Fuda RJ, Ryan SJ, Cohen JB, Hartter J, Frair JL. 2018. Assessing the impacts of oil exploration and restoration on mammals in Murchison Falls Conservation Area, Uganda. African Journal of Ecology 56:804-817.
Durkin MM*, Cohen JB. 2018. Estimating avian road mortality when only a single observer is available. Journal of Wildlife Management. 83:100-108.
Althouse MA*, Cohen JB, Karpanty SM, Spendelow JA, Davis KL, Parsons KC, Luttazi CF. 2018. Evaluating response distances to develop buffer zones for staging terns. Journal of Wildlife Management. In Press.
Klingbeil BT, Cohen JB, Correll MD, Field CR, Hodgman TP, Kovach AI, Olsen BJ, Shriver WG, Wiest WA, Elphick CS. 2018. Evaluating a focal species approach for tidal marsh bird conservation in the northeastern United States. Condor 120: 874-884.
Stantial ML*, Cohen JB. 2018. The influence of habitat, tidal stage, temperature and breeding status on the flight behavior of breeding piping plovers (Charadrius melodus). Journal of Ornithology 159: 732-732.
Stantial ML*, Cohen JB, Darrah AJ, Iaquinto KE, Loring PA, Paton PWC. 2018. Radio transmitters did not affect daily nest and chick survival of Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus). Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 130:518-524.
Field CR, Ruskin KJ, Benvenuti B, Borowske A, Cohen JB, Garey L, Hodgman TP, Kern RA, King E, Kocek AR*, Kovach AI, O’Brien KM, Olsen BJ, Pau N, Roberts S, Shelly E, Shriver G, Walsh J, Elphick CS. 2018. Quantifying the importance of geographic replication and representativeness when estimating demographic rates. Ecography 41:971-981.
Darrah AJ, Cohen JB, Castelli PA. 2017. Bayesian multinomial logistic exposure model for estimating probabilities of competing sources of nest failure. Ibis 160: 23-35.
Cohen JB, Maddock S, Bimbi M, Golder W, LeDee O, Cuthbert FJ, Catlin D, Fraser J, Gratto-Trevor C. 2017. State uncertainty models and mark-resight models for understanding nonbreeding site use by the piping plover (Charadrius melodus). Ibis 160:342-354.
Peach MA*, Cohen JB, Frair JL. 2017. A single visit, dynamic occupancy model: an approach to account for imperfect detection with Atlas data. Journal of Applied Ecology 54: 2033-2042.
Leuenberger W, McNeil DJ, Cohen J, Larkin JL. 2017. Characteristics of Golden‐winged Warbler territories in plant communities associated with regenerating forest and abandoned agricultural fields. Journal of Field Ornithology 88: 169-183.
Gibson D, Catlin DH, Hunt KL, Fraser JD, Karpanty SM, Friedrich MJ, Bimbi MK, Cohen JB, Maddock SB. 2017. Evaluating the impact of man-made disasters on imperiled species: Piping plovers and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Biological Conservation 2012:48-61.
Petracca LS, Frair JL, Cohen JB, Calderon AP, Carazo-Salazar J, Salazar FC, Corrales-Gutierrez D, Foster RJ, Harmsen B, Hernandez-Potosme S, Herrera L, Olmos M, Pereira S, Robinson HS, Robinson N, Salom-Perez, Urbina Y, Zellar KA. 2017. Robust inference on large-scale species habitat use using interview data: The status of jaguars outside protected areas in Central America. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:723-734.
Althouse MA*, Cohen JB, Spendelow JA, Karpanty SM, Davis KL, Parsons KC, Luttazi CF. 2017. Quantifying researcher effects on staging terns during intensive monitoring. Waterbirds 39:417-421.
Cohen J, Hecht A, Robinson KF, Osnas EE, Tyre AJ, Davis C, Kocek A*, Maslo B, Melvin S. 2016. To exclose nests or not: structured decision making for recovery implementation of a species protected by the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Ecosphere 7:e01499
Ruskin KJ, Etterson MA, Hodgman TP, Borowske A, Cohen JB, Elphick CS, Field CR, Kern RA, King E, Kocek AR*, Kovach AI, O’Brien KM, Pau N, Shriver WG, Walsh J, Olsen BJ. 2017. Seasonal fecundity is not related to range position across a species’ global range despite central peak in abundance. Oecologia 183: 291-301.
Johnson BD, Gibbs JP, Shoemaker KT, Cohen JB. 2017. Demography of a small and isolated population of eastern Massasauga rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus) threatened by vegetative succession. Journal of Herpetology 50:534-540.
Fuda, R. K., S. J. Ryan, J. B. Cohen, J. Hartter, and J. L. Frair. 2016. Assessing impacts to primary productivity at the human-park interface in Murchison Falls Conservation Area, Uganda. Ecosphere 7: e01486.
Ryan SJ, Gavard EJ, Cheeseman AM*, Cohen JB, Whipps CM. 2016. Reference and baseline hematocrit measures for the threatened New England cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis) and comparison with sympatric Eastern cottontail (Sylvliagus floridanus) rabbits. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47:659-662
Buckley Luepold SH, Hodgman TP, McNulty SA, Cohen J, Foss CR. 2015. Habitat selection, nest survival, and nest predators of Rusty Blackbirds in northern New England, USA. Condor 117:609-623.
Stantial ML*, Cohen JB. 2015. Estimating Flight height and flight speed of breeding piping plovers. Journal of Field Ornithology 86:369-377.
Cohen JB, Durkin MM*, Zrdavkovic M. 2014. Human disturbance of snowy plovers (Charadrius nivosus) in northwest Florida during the breeding season. Florida Field Naturalist 42: 1-14.
Fraser JB, Karpanty SM, Cohen JB, Truitt BR. 2013. The red knot (Calidris canutus rufa) decline in the western hemisphere: is there a lemming connection? Canadian Journal of Zoology 91:13-16.
Cohen JB, Gerber BD, Karpanty SM, Fraser JD, Truitt BR. 2011. Day and night foraging of red knots (Calidris canutus) during spring stopover in Virginia, USA. Waterbirds 34:352-356.
Cohen JB, Gratto-Trevor C. 2011. Survival, site fidelity, and the population dynamics of piping plovers in Saskatchewan. Journal of Field Ornithology 82:379-394.
Karpanty SM, Cohen JB, Fraser JD, Berkson J. 2011. Sufficiency of horseshoe crab eggs for red knots during spring migration stopover in Delaware Bay USA. Journal of Wildlife Management 75: 984-994.
Catlin DH, Fraser JD, Felio JH, Cohen JB. 2011. Piping plover nest success on natural, managed, and engineered sandbars. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:305-310.
Cohen JB, Karpanty SM, Fraser JD. 2010. Habitat selection and behavior of Red Knots (Calidris canutus) on the New Jersey Atlantic Coast during spring stopover. Condor 112:655-662.
Cohen JB, Fraser JD. 2010. Piping Plover foraging distribution and prey abundance in the pre-laying period. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122:578-582.
Roche EA, Cohen JB, Catlin DH, Amirault-Langlais DL, Cuthbert FJ, Gratto-Trevor CL, Felio JH, Fraser JD. 2010. Range-wide piping plover survival: correlated patterns and temporal declines. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:1784-1791.
Fraser JD, Karpanty SM, Cohen JB. 2010. Shorebirds forage disproportionately in horseshoe crab nest depressions. Waterbirds 33: 96-100.
Cohen JB, Karpanty SM, Fraser JD, Truitt BR. 2010. The effect of benthic prey abundance and size on red knot (Calidris canutus) distribution at an alternative migratory stopover site on the US Atlantic Coast. Journal of Ornithology 151:355-364.
Morrison JL, McMillian M, Cohen JB, Catlin DH. 2009. Environmental correlates of nesting success in Crested Caracaras. Auk 126: 755-764.
Cohen JB, Karpanty SM, Fraser JD, Watts BD, Truitt BR. 2009. Residence probability and population size of red knots during spring stopover in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:939-945.
Cohen JB, Karpanty SM, Catlin DH, Fraser JD, Fischer RA. 2008. Winter ecology of piping plovers at Oregon Inlet, North Carolina. Waterbirds 31:472-479.
Cohen, JB., Wunker EC, Fraser JD. 2008. Substrate and vegetation selection by nesting Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) in New York. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120:404-407.
Morrison JL, McMillian M, Cohen JB, Catlin DH. 2007. Environmental correlates of nesting success in Red-shouldered Hawks. Condor 109:648-657.
Cohen JB, Fraser JD, Catlin DH. 2006. Survival and site fidelity of Piping Plovers on Long Island, New York. Journal of Field Ornithology 77: 409-417.
Golden NH, Rattner BA, Cohen JB, Hoffman DJ, Russek-Cohen E, Ottinger, MA. 2003, Lead accumulation in feathers of nestling black-crowned night herons (Nycticorax nycticorax) experimentally treated in the field. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22: 1517-1524
Cohen JB, Rattner, BA, Golden, NH. 2003. Use of retrospective data to assess ecotoxicological monitoring needs for terrestrial vertebrates residing in Atlantic Coast estuaries. Ecotoxicology 12:365-375.
Cohen JB, Barclay JS, Major AR, Fisher JP. 2000. Greater scaup as biomonitors of metal contamination in federal wildlife refuges in the Long Island region. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 38:83-92.
Rattner BA, Pearson JL, Golden NH, Cohen JB, Erwin RM, Ottinger MA. 2000. Contaminant exposure and effects--terrestrial vertebrates database: trends and data gaps for Atlantic Coast estuaries. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 63:131-142.
Sheffield SR, Sawicka-Kapusta K, Cohen JB, Rattner BA. 2001. Rodentia and Lagomorpha. Pp. 215-314 In Shore RF and Rattner BA (eds.), Ecotoxicology of Wild Mammals. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
Rattner BA, Cohen JB, Golden NH. 2000. Contaminant effect endpoints in terrestrial vertebrates at and above the level of the “individual.” In: Environmental Contaminants and Terrestrial Vertebrates: Effects on Populations, Communities and Ecosystems. Albers PH, ed. SETAC Special Publication, SETAC Press, Pensacola, Florida. 61 pp
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Cohen JB, Karpanty SM, Fraser JD, Truitt BR. 2007. Initial deployment tests of tiny PTTs on the red knot (Calidris canutus rufa). Tracker News 8:2.
Cohen JB. 1996. Tricky trackers (a children's guide to making a squirrel-tracking kit). Ranger Rick. Nov 1996.